# compile kernel
dnf install -y ncurses-devel openssl openssl-devel elfutils-libelf-devel flex bison bc dwarves tar
make menuconfig
make -j8 all
make modules_install
make install
# brew
bash /mnt/tests/kernel/networking/common/tools/brewkoji_install.sh
brew download-task 49082065 --arch=x86_64 --arch=noarch
yum localinstall ./* -y
bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=102647 --tps-rpmtest --tps-srpmtest
tps-results --errata=102647 --job=7631186 --rpmtest --srpmtest
bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=<errata_id> --tps-rpmtest --tps-srpmtest --tps-rhnqa
bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=<errata_id> --tps-rpmtest --tps-srpmtest
bkr workflow-tomorrow --errata=<errata_id> --tps-rhnqa
yum install kexec-tools
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="crashkernel=256M"
vim /etc/kdump.conf
nfs netqe-bj.usersys.redhat.com:/home/kdump/vmcore
path /liali
systemctl enable kdump
systemctl start kdump
echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger
# Rebuild the initramfs of the booting kernel with early kdump support.
dracut -f --add earlykdump
# Append rd.earlykdump kernel boot parameter to 'kernelopts' line in /boot/grub2/grubenv file.
grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args="rd.earlykdump"
# Check the status of the early kdump support on the command prompt.
journalctl -x | grep early-kdump