from fastai.text.all import *
from import *
source = untar_data(URLs.MNIST_TINY)/'train'
items = get_image_files(source)
fn = items[0]; fn
img = PILImage.create(fn); img
tconv = ToTensor()
img = tconv(img)
lbl = parent_label(fn); lbl
tcat = Categorize(vocab=['3','7'])
lbl = tcat(lbl); lbl
lbld = tcat.decode(lbl)
pipe = Pipeline([PILImage.create,tconv])
img = pipe(fn)
img.shape, figsize=(1,1), cmap='Greys');
Loading the pets dataset using only Transform
source = untar_data(URLs.PETS)/"images"
items = get_image_files(source)
def resized_image(fn:Path, sz=128):
x ='RGB').resize((sz,sz))
# Convert image to tensor for modeling
return tensor(array(x)).permute(2,0,1).float()/255.
class TitledImage(fastuple):
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs): show_titled_image(self, ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
img = resized_image(items[0])
TitledImage(img,'test title').show()
class PetTfm(Transform):
def __init__(self, vocab, o2i, lblr): self.vocab,self.o2i,self.lblr = vocab,o2i,lblr
def encodes(self, o): return [resized_image(o), self.o2i[self.lblr(o)]]
def decodes(self, x): return TitledImage(x[0],self.vocab[x[1]])
labeller = using_attr(RegexLabeller(pat = r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$'), 'name')
vals = list(map(labeller, items))
vocab,o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
pets = PetTfm(vocab,o2i,labeller)
x,y = pets(items[0])
dec = pets.decode([x,y])
# to prevent a Transform from dispatching over a tuple, we just have to make it an ItemTransform:
class PetTfm(ItemTransform):
def __init__(self, vocab, o2i, lblr): self.vocab,self.o2i,self.lblr = vocab,o2i,lblr
def encodes(self, o): return (resized_image(o), self.o2i[self.lblr(o)])
def decodes(self, x): return TitledImage(x[0],self.vocab[x[1]])
dec = pets.decode(pets(items[0]))
# Setting up the internal state with a setups
class PetTfm(ItemTransform):
def setups(self, items):
self.labeller = using_attr(RegexLabeller(pat = r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$'), 'name')
vals = map(self.labeller, items)
self.vocab,self.o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
def encodes(self, o): return (resized_image(o), self.o2i[self.labeller(o)])
def decodes(self, x): return TitledImage(x[0],self.vocab[x[1]])
# Combining our Transform with data augmentation in a Pipeline.
# We can take advantage of fastai’s data augmentation transforms if we give the right type to our elements.
# Instead of returning a standard PIL.Image, if our transform returns the fastai type PILImage, we can then use any fastai’s transform with it. Let’s just return a PILImage for our first element:
class PetTfm(ItemTransform):
def setups(self, items):
self.labeller = using_attr(RegexLabeller(pat = r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$'), 'name')
vals = map(self.labeller, items)
self.vocab,self.o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
def encodes(self, o): return (PILImage.create(o), self.o2i[self.labeller(o)])
def decodes(self, x): return TitledImage(x[0],self.vocab[x[1]])
tfms = Pipeline([PetTfm(), Resize(224), FlipItem(p=1), ToTensor()])
x,y = tfms(items[0])
# To customize the order of a Transform, just set order = ... before the __init__ (it’s a class attribute). Let’s make PetTfm of order -5 to be sure it’s always run first:
class PetTfm(ItemTransform):
order = -5
def setups(self, items):
self.labeller = using_attr(RegexLabeller(pat = r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$'), 'name')
vals = map(self.labeller, items)
self.vocab,self.o2i = uniqueify(vals, sort=True, bidir=True)
def encodes(self, o): return (PILImage.create(o), self.o2i[self.labeller(o)])
def decodes(self, x): return TitledImage(x[0],self.vocab[x[1]])
tfms = Pipeline([Resize(224), PetTfm(), FlipItem(p=1), ToTensor()])
> Pipeline: PetTfm -> FlipItem -- {'p': 1} -> Resize -- {'size': (224, 224), 'method': 'crop', 'pad_mode': 'reflection', 'resamples': (<Resampling.BILINEAR: 2>, <Resampling.NEAREST: 0>), 'p': 1.0} -> ToTensor
One pipeline makes a TfmdLists
tls = TfmdLists(items, [Resize(224), PetTfm(), FlipItem(p=0.5), ToTensor()])
x,y = tls[0]
show_at(tls, 0)
# Traning and validation set
splits = RandomSplitter(seed=42)(items)
tls = TfmdLists(items, [Resize(224), PetTfm(), FlipItem(p=0.5), ToTensor()], splits=splits)
show_at(tls.train, 0)
show_at(tls.train, 0)
dls = tls.dataloaders(bs=64)
# augmentation
dls = tls.dataloaders(bs=64, after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor(), *aug_transforms()])
Using Datasets
class ImageResizer(Transform):
"Resize image to `size` using `resample`"
def __init__(self, size, resample=BILINEAR):
if not is_listy(size): size=(size,size)
self.size,self.resample = (size[1],size[0]),resample
def encodes(self, o:PILImage): return o.resize(size=self.size, resample=self.resample)
def encodes(self, o:PILMask): return o.resize(size=self.size, resample=NEAREST)
tfms = [[PILImage.create, ImageResizer(128), ToTensor(), IntToFloatTensor()],
[labeller, Categorize()]]
dsets = Datasets(items, tfms)
t = dsets[0]
x,y = dsets.decode(t)
dsets = Datasets(items, tfms, splits=splits)
tfms = [[PILImage.create], [labeller, Categorize()]]
dsets = Datasets(items, tfms, splits=splits)
dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=64, after_item=[ImageResizer(128), ToTensor(), IntToFloatTensor()])
# If we just wanted to build one DataLoader from our Datasets (or the previous TfmdLists), you can pass it directly to TfmdDL:
dsets = Datasets(items, tfms)
dl = TfmdDL(dsets, bs=64, after_item=[ImageResizer(128), ToTensor(), IntToFloatTensor()])
Adding a test dataloader for inference
tfms = [[PILImage.create], [labeller, Categorize()]]
dsets = Datasets(items, tfms, splits=splits)
dls = dsets.dataloaders(bs=64, after_item=[ImageResizer(128), ToTensor(), IntToFloatTensor()])
…and imagine we have some new files to classify.
path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)
tst_files = get_image_files(path/"images")
We can create a dataloader that takes those files and applies the same transforms as the validation set with DataLoaders.test_dl:
tst_dl = dls.test_dl(tst_files)
You can call learn.get_preds passing this newly created dataloaders to make predictions on our new images!
What is really cool is that after you finished training your model, you can save it with learn.export, this is also going to save all the transforms that need to be applied to your data. In inference time you just need to load your learner with load_learner and you can immediately create a dataloader with test_dl to use it to generate new predictions!
Purely in PyTorch
from import untar_data,URLs
from import get_image_files
path = untar_data(URLs.PETS)
files = get_image_files(path/"images")
import PIL
img =[0])
import torch
import numpy as np
def open_image(fname, size=224):
img ='RGB')
img = img.resize((size, size))
t = torch.Tensor(np.array(img))
return t.permute(2,0,1).float()/255.0
import re
def label_func(fname):
return re.match(r'^(.*)_\d+.jpg$',[0]
labels = list(set(
lbl2files = {l: [f for f in files if label_func(f) == l] for l in labels}
import random
class SiameseDataset(
def __init__(self, files, is_valid=False):
self.files,self.is_valid = files,is_valid
if is_valid: self.files2 = [self._draw(f) for f in files]
def __getitem__(self, i):
file1 = self.files[i]
(file2,same) = self.files2[i] if self.is_valid else self._draw(file1)
img1,img2 = open_image(file1),open_image(file2)
return (img1, img2, torch.Tensor([same]).squeeze())
def __len__(self): return len(self.files)
def _draw(self, f):
same = random.random() < 0.5
cls = label_func(f)
if not same: cls = random.choice([l for l in labels if l != cls])
return random.choice(lbl2files[cls]),same
idxs = np.random.permutation(range(len(files)))
cut = int(0.8 * len(files))
train_files = files[idxs[:cut]]
valid_files = files[idxs[cut:]]
train_ds = SiameseDataset(train_files)
valid_ds = SiameseDataset(valid_files, is_valid=True)
from import DataLoaders
dls = DataLoaders.from_dsets(train_ds, valid_ds)
b = dls.one_batch()
# If you want to use the GPU, you can just write:
dls = dls.cuda()
Using the mid-level API
class SiameseTransform(Transform):
def __init__(self, files, is_valid=False):
self.files,self.is_valid = files,is_valid
if is_valid: self.files2 = [self._draw(f) for f in files]
def encodes(self, i):
file1 = self.files[i]
(file2,same) = self.files2[i] if self.is_valid else self._draw(file1)
img1,img2 = open_image(file1),open_image(file2)
return (TensorImage(img1), TensorImage(img2), torch.Tensor([same]).squeeze())
def _draw(self, f):
same = random.random() < 0.5
cls = label_func(f)
if not same: cls = random.choice([l for l in labels if l != cls])
return random.choice(lbl2files[cls]),same
train_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(train_files)), SiameseTransform(train_files))
valid_tl= TfmdLists(range(len(valid_files)), SiameseTransform(valid_files, is_valid=True))
dls = DataLoaders.from_dsets(train_tl, valid_tl,
after_batch=[Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats), *aug_transforms()])
dls = dls.cuda()
# make show work
class SiameseImage(fastuple):
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
if len(self) > 2:
img1,img2,similarity = self
img1,img2 = self
similarity = 'Undetermined'
if not isinstance(img1, Tensor):
if img2.size != img1.size: img2 = img2.resize(img1.size)
t1,t2 = tensor(img1),tensor(img2)
t1,t2 = t1.permute(2,0,1),t2.permute(2,0,1)
else: t1,t2 = img1,img2
line = t1.new_zeros(t1.shape[0], t1.shape[1], 10)
return show_image([t1,line,t2], dim=2), title=similarity, ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
img = PILImage.create(files[0])
img1 = PILImage.create(files[1])
s = SiameseImage(img, img1, False);
# Now let’s rewrite a bit our previous transform. Instead of taking integers, we can take files directly for instance.
class SiameseTransform(Transform):
def __init__(self, files, splits):
self.splbl2files = [{l: [f for f in files[splits[i]] if label_func(f) == l] for l in labels}
for i in range(2)]
self.valid = {f: self._draw(f,1) for f in files[splits[1]]}
def encodes(self, f):
f2,same = self.valid.get(f, self._draw(f,0))
img1,img2 = PILImage.create(f),PILImage.create(f2)
return SiameseImage(img1, img2, same)
def _draw(self, f, split=0):
same = random.random() < 0.5
cls = label_func(f)
if not same: cls = random.choice(L(l for l in labels if l != cls))
return random.choice(self.splbl2files[split][cls]),same
# Then we create our splits using a RandomSplitter:
splits = RandomSplitter()(files)
tfm = SiameseTransform(files, splits)
valids = [v[0] for k,v in tfm.valid.items()]
assert not [v for v in valids if v in files[splits[0]]]
tls = TfmdLists(files, tfm, splits=splits)
show_at(tls.valid, 0)
dls = tls.dataloaders(after_item=[Resize(224), ToTensor],
after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)])
b = dls.one_batch()
show_batch(x, y, samples, ctxs=None, **kwargs)
Writing your custom data block
# Let’s create a type to represent our tuple of two images:
class ImageTuple(fastuple):
def create(cls, fns): return cls(tuple(PILImage.create(f) for f in fns))
def show(self, ctx=None, **kwargs):
t1,t2 = self
if not isinstance(t1, Tensor) or not isinstance(t2, Tensor) or t1.shape != t2.shape: return ctx
line = t1.new_zeros(t1.shape[0], t1.shape[1], 10)
return show_image([t1,line,t2], dim=2), ctx=ctx, **kwargs)
img = ImageTuple.create((files[0], files[1]))
tst = ToTensor()(img)
img1 = Resize(224)(img)
tst = ToTensor()(img1);
# We can now define a block associated to ImageTuple that we will use in the data block API.
# A block is basically a set of default transforms, here we specify how to create the ImageTuple and the IntToFloatTensor transform necessary for image preprocessing:
def ImageTupleBlock(): return TransformBlock(type_tfms=ImageTuple.create, batch_tfms=IntToFloatTensor)
splits_files = [files[splits[i]] for i in range(2)]
splits_sets = mapped(set, splits_files)
def get_split(f):
for i,s in enumerate(splits_sets):
if f in s: return i
raise ValueError(f'File {f} is not presented in any split.')
splbl2files = [{l: [f for f in s if label_func(f) == l] for l in labels} for s in splits_sets]
def splitter(items):
def get_split_files(i): return [j for j,(f1,f2,same) in enumerate(items) if get_split(f1)==i]
return get_split_files(0),get_split_files(1)
def draw_other(f):
same = random.random() < 0.5
cls = label_func(f)
split = get_split(f)
if not same: cls = random.choice(L(l for l in labels if l != cls))
return random.choice(splbl2files[split][cls]),same
def get_tuples(files): return [[f, *draw_other(f)] for f in files]
def get_x(t): return t[:2]
def get_y(t): return t[2]
siamese = DataBlock(
blocks=(ImageTupleBlock, CategoryBlock),
get_x=get_x, get_y=get_y,
dls = siamese.dataloaders(files)
b = dls.one_batch()
# The show_batch method here works out of the box, but to customize how things are organized, we can define a dispatched show_batch function.
def show_batch(x:ImageTuple, y, samples, ctxs=None, max_n=6, nrows=None, ncols=2, figsize=None, **kwargs):
if figsize is None: figsize = (ncols*6, max_n//ncols * 3)
if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_grid(min(len(samples), max_n), nrows=nrows, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize)
ctxs = show_batch[object](x, y, samples, ctxs=ctxs, max_n=max_n, **kwargs)
return ctxs
Training a model
class SiameseModel(Module):
def __init__(self, encoder, head):
self.encoder,self.head = encoder,head
def forward(self, x1, x2):
ftrs =[self.encoder(x1), self.encoder(x2)], dim=1)
return self.head(ftrs)
# If we want to check where fastai usually cuts the model, we can have a look at the model_meta dictionary:
> {'cut': -2,
'split': <function>,
'stats': ([0.485, 0.456, 0.406], [0.229, 0.224, 0.225])}
encoder = create_body(resnet34, cut=-2)
# Let’s have a look at the last block of this encoder:
head = create_head(512*2, 2, ps=0.5)
model = SiameseModel(encoder, head)
def siamese_splitter(model):
return [params(model.encoder), params(model.head)]
def loss_func(out, targ):
return CrossEntropyLossFlat()(out, targ.long())
class SiameseTransform(Transform):
def __init__(self, files, splits):
self.splbl2files = [{l: [f for f in files[splits[i]] if label_func(f) == l] for l in labels}
for i in range(2)]
self.valid = {f: self._draw(f,1) for f in files[splits[1]]}
def encodes(self, f):
f2,same = self.valid.get(f, self._draw(f,0))
img1,img2 = PILImage.create(f),PILImage.create(f2)
return SiameseImage(img1, img2, int(same))
def _draw(self, f, split=0):
same = random.random() < 0.5
cls = label_func(f)
if not same: cls = random.choice(L(l for l in labels if l != cls))
return random.choice(self.splbl2files[split][cls]),same
splits = RandomSplitter()(files)
tfm = SiameseTransform(files, splits)
tls = TfmdLists(files, tfm, splits=splits)
dls = tls.dataloaders(after_item=[Resize(224), ToTensor],
after_batch=[IntToFloatTensor, Normalize.from_stats(*imagenet_stats)])
valids = [v[0] for k,v in tfm.valid.items()]
assert not [v for v in valids if v in files[splits[0]]]
learn = Learner(dls, model, loss_func=CrossEntropyLossFlat(), splitter=siamese_splitter, metrics=accuracy)
learn.fit_one_cycle(4, 3e-3)
learn.fit_one_cycle(4, slice(1e-6,1e-4))
Making show_results work
def show_results(x:SiameseImage, y, samples, outs, ctxs=None, max_n=6, nrows=None, ncols=2, figsize=None, **kwargs):
if figsize is None: figsize = (ncols*6, max_n//ncols * 3)
if ctxs is None: ctxs = get_grid(min(x[0].shape[0], max_n), nrows=None, ncols=ncols, figsize=figsize)
for i,ctx in enumerate(ctxs):
title = f'Actual: {["Not similar","Similar"][x[2][i].item()]} \n Prediction: {["Not similar","Similar"][y[2][i].item()]}'
SiameseImage(x[0][i], x[1][i], title).show(ctx=ctx)