1. Do you know python comprehensions? list comprehensions
[表达式 for 变量 in 列表]
[out_exp_res for out_exp in input_list]
2. Do you know python closure? https://github.com/Jwindler/Ice_story/blob/main/src/python/closure.md
3. Python decorator.
4. How to traverse python dictionary?
5. What's difference between python list and tuple and set?
6. How to remove the duplicated item of a python list?
7. What python module did you ever use?
8. regular expression https://www.runoob.com/python3/python3-reg-expressions.html
differenct between re.match re.search
re.match 只匹配字符串的开始,如果字符串开始不符合正则表达式,则匹配失败,函数返回 None,而 re.search 匹配整个字符串,直到找到一个匹配。
9. substitute: Python 的re模块提供了re.sub用于替换字符串中的匹配项。
10. summarize the different way to import a python module
import sys //import 整个模块(需要使用前缀)
import sys as s //设置别名(需要使用前缀)
from sys import argv //无须使用任何前缀
11. python函数参数数量不固定
def fun_args(*args):
for i in args:
fun_args(1, 2, 3, 4)
def fun_kwargs(**kwargs):
for key, value in kwargs.items():
print(f"{key}: {value}")
fun_kwargs(a=1, b=2, c=3)
1. talk about sed, what's it used for?
# 移除空行
sed '/^$/d' file
# 替换每行中模式首次匹配的内容
sed 's/pattern/replace_string/' file
# 使用g标记执行全局替换
sed 's/pattern/replace_string/g' file
2. How to show current opening port?
3. Talk about linux signal?
4. find
find /home/slynux -name '*.txt' -print // 在/home/slynux查找txt文件。
find . -type f -size +2k
find . -type f -size -2k
find . -type f -size 2k
5. source与./ point slash
source : 是在当前进程执行脚本
./ : 是在子进程执行脚本
6. 数组长度
echo ${#array_var[*]}
# 创建并初始化数组
array_name=(element1 element2 element3 ...)
# 访问数组元素
echo ${array_name[index]}
# 获取数组所有元素
echo ${array_name[@]}
# 获取数组长度
echo ${#array_name[@]}
7. The differenct between one square brackets and double square brackets
8. getopts
1. How to drop workspace changing?
git checkout – file
2. How to revert a file to a previous verison?
git reset --hard HEAD^
3. How to create a branch and switch to it with a command?
创建+切换分支:git checkout -b name
4. Hwo to know who last time changed a line in a file?
git blame -L 1,10 nic_info
Did you ever contribute to linux upstream?
1. ipv6 address type
2. icmpv6 https://l8liliang.github.io/2022/01/05/icmpv6.html
1.路由器恳求消息RS Router Solicitation
2.路由器通告消息RA Router Advertisement
3.邻居恳求消息NS Neighbor Solicitation
3.邻居通告消息NA Neighbor Advertisement
1. How to check pci bandwidth
use lapci
Every PCIe device has a BDF(Bus,Device,Function)
Driver register to PCI subsystem by calling pci_register_driver()
PCI subsystem scan device and find driver by device id and call driver probe()
Driver control HW by calling functions provided by PCI subsystem
Every PCIe device has a BDF(Bus,Device,Function)
Data transfer via PCIe bus
2. Can you describe PCIe Bus Struct
Root Complex : RC is used to connect CPU and PCIe.
pcie switch
pice bridge
pcie endpoint
3. PCIe Layers
4. How to list pci tree in linux system.
lspci -t
How to tunning network performance?
Try to list all the linux configuration item relevant to network performance.
• SoftIRQ misses (netdev budget)
• "tuned" tuning daemon
• "numad" NUMA daemon
• CPU power states
• Interrupt balancing
• Pause frames
• Interrupt Coalescence
• Adapter queue (netdev backlog)
• Adapter RX and TX buffers
• Adapter TX queue
• Module parameters
• Adapter offloading
• Jumbo Frames
• TCP and UDP protocol tuning
• NUMA locality
1. what's NUMA
2. Can bind a port to another specific NUMB
echo 0 > /sys/class/net/ens1f0/device/numa_node
3. bind process to NUMA
numactl --cpubind=netdev:ens4f1 --membind=netdev:ens4f1 iperf3 -s -D -p $port -B &> log$port &
4. ira balance and irq affinity
echo $affinity > /proc/irq/$irq/smp_affinity
TSO tcp
UFO udp
GSO tcp/udp
LRO tcp
GRO tcp/udp
How to check if TSO/GRO offload is working well?